| Thomas Collins
Gunners Mate
Joined HMVS Nelson on 1 December 1867
Victorian Naval Training Ship for Boys, Register 1865-1876 VPRS 11976/P0001 00001
"On three different occasions durng this year a young boy named Joseph Blacker, who is on board the training ship Nelson, has in the most intrepid manner saved the lives of other boys who had fallen into the Bay, and who, would but for Blacker's courage have perished by drowning. His Excellency the Governor, having read of the boy's praiseworthy conduct, wrote to the Royal Humane Society of England bringing his claims under their notice, as well as those of two drill instructors of the Nelson named Kennedy and Collins, who had assisted Blacker when he had succeeded in keeping the boys he had rescued above water. His Excellency lately received, through the Secretary of State, a silver medal of the society for Blacker, as also their thanks to the boy, which were inscribed on vellam, and a bronze medal for Kennedy, together with the thanks of the society inscribed on vellum to Collins. These testimonials he decided to present on board the vessel in presence of the other boys on the training ship, and last December, that purpose was carried out."
Illustrated Australian News, 1 January 1869 |