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Victorian Naval Forces Muster

for the Colony of Victoria. (muster range 1853-1910)*


Last Name:Vary
First Name:Alfred Henry
Rank:Engine Room Artificer
Birth Date: 17-09-1870
Branch:Victorian Navy

Alfred (Alf) Henry Vary

Engine Room Artificer




We much regret to learn that Engineer-Commander Alfred Henry Vary, of the Royal Australian Navy, retired, who lived in Pratt Street, Moonee Ponds, died on Tuesday in a private hospital in Melbourne.. He had been on the retired list since, September, 1924. He joined up from the Victorian Navy when it was taken over by the Commonwealth. He was a member of the naval contingent from Victoria which. served in China during the Boxer Rebellion, and spent five years on active service in the Great War, during which he was attached to the battle cruiser H.M.A.S. Australia. He returned in H.M.A.S. Sydney. His final period of service was at Flinders Naval Base. He is survived by Mrs Vary and a son and daughter. Deceased, who was a son of the late Mr and Mrs S. Vary, of Driffield, spent most of his boyhood in Morwell, and was very popular.

Morwell Advertiser, 7 October 1937










 Prot  5' 6½"  38"  Prop  Black Brown    

From Volunteer Listing kept by CPO Goding & held by grandson Lawrence Dilks, Williamstown. Compared with China Contingent List. Prepared by Ada Ackerly, Directory Williamstown Museum, c 1987.


Profile in The Australian Illustrated Enclclopaedia of The Boxer Uprising 1899-1901, Justin Corfield, Slouch Hat Publications, McCrae Australia, 2001.


  • Artificer Engineer 1 july 1911
  • Chief artificer Engineer 1 September 1917
  • Engineer Lieutenant 1 April 1919
  • Retired 1925

On the Victorian Contingent for China nominal roll.


More details on this person can be found in the Victorian Navy Certificates of Service This is a very large pdf file of 109 mb and takes 13 minutes to download with a 1.5 mbps internet connection.

* 1853 is given as the commencement date for the Victorian Navy as this is the year that Commander Lockyer (RN) went to Britain to superintend the building of HMCS Victoria.
Although the Victorian Navy ended in 1901 the career of Cerbeus etc continued. In 1910 the new ships started arriving & manning levels increased.

Information & photographs of men who served in the Victorian Naval Forces is eagerly sought. Please contact the webmaster.